PART I: Theory: What Clinicians Think and Why1. The Status Quo: Dogmatism, the Biopsychosocial Model, and Alternatives
2. What There is: Of Mind and Brain
3. How We Know: Understanding the Mind
4. What is Scientific Method?
5. Reading Karl Jasper's General Psychopathology
6. What Is Scientific Method in Psychiatry
7. Darwin's Dangerous Method: The Essentialist Fallacy
8. What We Value: The Ethics of Psychiatry
9. Desire and Self: Hellenistic and Eastern Approaches
PART II: Practice: What Clinicians Do and Why
10. On the Nature of Mental Illness: Disease of Myth?
11. Order out of Chaos? The Evolution of Psychiatric Nosology
12. A Theory of DSM-IV: Ideal Types
13. Dimensions versus Categories
14. The Perils of Belief: Psychosis
15. The Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Fortune: Depression
16. Life's Roller Coaster: Mania
17. Being Self-Aware: Insight
18. Psychopharmacology: Calvinism or Hedonism?
19. Truth and Statistics: Problems of Empirical Psychiatry
20. A Climate of Opinion: What Remains of Psychoanalysis
21. Being There: Existential Psychotherapy
22. Beyond Eclecticism: Integrating Psychotherapy and Psychopharmacology
PART III: After Eclecticism
23. Bridging the Biology-Psychology Dichotomy: The Hopes of Integrationism
24. Why It Is Hard to Be Pluralist