A Gift of Time

Continuing Your Pregnancy When Your Baby's Life Is Expected to Be Brief


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By Amy Kuebelbeck, Deborah L. Davis
Release Date:



1. The News: Receiving Your Baby's Diagnosis
Before the Diagnosis
Understanding Diagnostic Prenatal Testing
Receiving the News
The Immediate Emotional Storm
2. What Now? Making Decisions about Continuing Your Pregnancy
Facing the Decision
Options Presented
Perinatal Hospice and Palliative Care
Gathering Information
Sorting through Your Values
Making Decisions with Your Partner
Consulting with People You Trust
Deciding to Continue
3. The Emotional Journey: Grieving and Adjusting to Your New Path
Anticipatory Grief
An Overview of the Grieving Process
Evolving Emotions
Confronting Fears
Techniques for Coping
You and Your Grieving Partner
Your Other Children
Spiritual and Philosophical Aspects
Living in the Twilight of Death
Reclaiming Hope
Your Reorientation and Adjustment
4. Waiting with Your Baby: Settling in for the Rest of Your Pregnancy
Interacting with Others
Finding Support
Getting Appropriate Medical Care
Embracing the Time Remaining
5. Making Medical Decisions: Choosing Care for Your Baby
Researching Your Baby's Condition
Researching Your Baby's Treatment Options
Ambivalence about Medical Decisions
Seeking Outside Advice
Deciding to Wait and See
Opting for Hospice and Palliative Care
6. Getting Ready: Preparing for Your Baby's Birth, Life, and Death
Birth Planning
Wishes for after Your Baby's Birth
Including Your Baby's Siblings
Including Your Family and Friends
Other Practical Preparations
Preliminary Funeral and Burial Planning
Getting Closer to Birth
7. Welcoming Baby: Birth Experiences and Meeting Your Baby
Approaching the Time of Birth
When Birth Is Imminent
Meeting Your Baby
If Your Baby Lives after Birth
Taking Baby Home
8. Saying Goodbye: Holding On and Letting Go
Parenting Your Dying Baby
The Dying Process
Experiences with Babies as They Are Dying
Time with Your Baby after Death
Decisions about Your Baby's Body
Relinquishing Your Baby's Body
Funerals and Memorial Services
Your Baby's Final Resting Place
9. Continuing Your Journey: After Your Baby Dies
The Mother's Postpartum Recovery
Your Grieving Process Continues
Identifying Your Feelings
More Techniques for Coping
Regrets and Making Peace with Them
You and Your Partner
Your Other Children
Dealing with the Outside World
Subsequent Pregnancies
10. Reflections
Reflections on Your Journey
Spiritual Beliefs and Struggles
Long-term Reflections on Grief and Healing
Personal Transformation
If You Could Reach Back in Time...
Moving Forward with Gratitude
Appendix: Sample Birth Plan

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