GUEST EDITORS' NOTES; * Requiem for AJN's Place in the Profession, Ellen D. Baer; * Nursing History: Blurring Disciplinary Boundaries, Barbra Mann Wall; MONICA BALY LECTURE; * Rewriting Nursing History - Again?, Celia Davies; ARTICLES; * Florence Nightingale's Nursing Practice, Joyce Schroeder Macqueen; * The Nursing Radicalism of the Honourable Albinia Brodrick, 1861-1955, Ann Wickham; * ""The Ultimate Destination of All Nursing"": The Development of District Nursing in England, 1880-1925, Carrie Howse; * ""Much Instruction Needed Here"": The Work of Nurses in Rural Wisconsin During the Depression, Rima D. Apple; * Reweaving a Tapestry of Care: Faith, Presence, and the Meaning of Hospice, 1945-1978, Joy Buck; RESEARCH REPORTS; * The Rise and Demise of the Colonial Nursing Service: British Nurses in the Colonies 1896-1966, Anne Marie Rafferty and Diana Solano; RESEARCH AND COMMENTARY; * Florence Nightingale's Opposition to State Registration of Nurses, Carol Helmstadter.