A highly effective and quick way to retain knowledge! Using an effective method for rapidly learning and retaining new information, these sturdy flashcards deliver more than 500 exam-style Q&As with detailed answer rationales to help nurses prepare for their high-stakes certification exam. The flashcards are distilled from Kendra Menzies Kent's book, Trauma Certified Nurse Examination Review, and are color coded by exam blueprint topic for easy access. Key Features: Delivers more than 500 comprehensive exam-style questions Facilitates critical thinking with application-based questions and robust remediating answer rationales Organized and color-coded by exam blueprint topic Packaged in a sturdy carrying box to keep cards organized Designed for standalone use or as a companion to Trauma Certified Registered Nurse (TCRN (TM)) Examination Review The Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing (BCEN (R)) is the sole owner of the Trauma Certified Registered Nurse (TCRN (TM)) certification program. BCEN does not endorse any TCRN certification review resources or have a proprietary relationship with Springer Publishing Company.