Adult CCRN (R) Certification Review, Second Edition 2/e

Think in Questions, Learn by Rationales


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By Kendra Menzies Kent
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Preface Introduction: Think in Questions Pretest Chapter 1. Cardiovascular System Review Chapter 2. Respiratory System Review Chapter 3. Endocrine System Review Chapter 4. Hematology and Immunology System Review Chapter 5. Gastrointestinal System Review Chapter 6. Renal and Genitourinary System Review Chapter 7. Integumentary System Review Chapter 8. Musculoskeletal System Review Chapter 9. Neurological System Review Chapter 10. Behavioral and Psychosocial Review Chapter 11. Multisystem Review Chapter 12. Professional Caring and Ethical Practice Chapter 13. Practice Exam
Kendra Menzies Kent, MS, RN, CENP, CCRN, CNRN, SCRN, TCRN, graduated from the University of Texas in Arlington in 1985 with her BSN. She successfully completed and graduated from Parkland Memorial Hospital's Critical Care and Trauma Internship. She has worked in the Surgery/Trauma, Thoracic and Neurosurgical ICU at Parkland Memorial Hospital as a staff nurse and nurse educator. Ms. Kent has been a manager on a trauma floor and the director of critical care at Zale Lipshy University Hospital in Dallas. She has her master's of nursing from Texas Women's University as a clinical nurse specialist (CNS) and has worked as a CNS in the surgical trauma ICU at Parkland Memorial Hospital. Ms. Kent moved to Florida and is currently the director of the Marcus Neuroscience Institute associated with Boca Raton Regional Hospital. Ms. Kent has presented seminars throughout the United States, Canada, and Oman. She has also published multiple chapters and books, including the books Adult CCRN (R) Certification Review, Trauma Certified Registered Nurse (TCRN (R)) Examination Review, and Neuroscience Certification Review for Nurses, published by Springer Publishing Company. Ms. Kent has been known to be engaging and supportive of nurses desiring certification. She receives emails from nurses who are excited that they have successfully passed their examinations.

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