Foreword Nessa Coyle, RN, ACHPN, PhD, FAAN Preface PART I: PROFESSIONAL QUALITY OF LIFE Chapter 1: The Good, Bad, and Ugly of Professional Quality of Life Chapter 2: Transforming Both Health and Care in Healthcare PART II: UNITY, PURPOSE, AND THE GOOD: AN ETHIC OF CARING Chapter 3: Compassion and Contentment: Being Heartful and Happy at Work Chapter 4: Values and Excellences in Nursing Chapter 5: The ART of Reaffirming Purpose: A Healing Model for Carers PART III: THE BAD: COMPASSION FATIGUE AND MORAL DISTRESS Chapter 6: Compassion Fatigue: A Heavy Heart Hurts Chapter 7: Moral Distress: I Know What I Ought to Do! PART IV: THE UGLY, UGLIER, AND UGLIEST: BURNOUT AND WORKPLACE VIOLENCE Chapter 8: Burnout: Feeling Empty-Hearted and Disheartened Chapter 9: Bullying and Incivility in Nursing: An Oxymoron PART V: FACING DEATH Chapter 10: Being Prepared to Care for the Dying Chapter 11: Collective Trauma and Healing in Healthcare: Aching, Breaking Hearts PART VI: BEATING THE ODDS Chapter 12: Changing the Mindset in Nursing Education Chapter 13: Cultivating Collective Mindful Awareness in Nursing: A Leadership Agenda Chapter 14: Imagining and Actualizing the Power of Nursing Appendix A ProQOL Tool for Self-Assessment of PQOL Appendix B PPACD Tool for Preparedness and Ability to Care for the Dying Appendix C Resources Appendix D Nurse Leader Resource Kit Index
Vidette Todaro-Franceschi, PhD, RN, FT, is professor emerita of nursing of the City University of New York, having taught at Kingsborough, Hunter, The College of Staten Island, and the Graduate Center for a combination of over 25 years. A registered nurse for 41 years, she has worked in a variety of roles and settings as staff, head nurse, assistant director, clinical supervisor, clinical nurse specialist, consultant and educator. Most of her practice career was spent working in critical care areas, which later led to scholarly work in the areas of holistic health and healing, end-of-life/palliative care, and professional quality of life. A CUNY child, she earned her AAS and BSN in nursing at the College of Staten Island and her MS in nursing at Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing. Dr. Todaro-Franceschi earned her PhD in nursing at New York University, where she performed a transdisciplinary philosophical inquiry on ideas of energy, for which she earned several awards. She is the author of two books, many articles, chapters, and digital stories. Her first authored book, The Enigma of Energy, is based on her doctoral research; she has since then performed seminal research in the areas of bereavement healing, end-of-life nursing education, and professional quality of life, and has been consulted by professionals around the world about her work. A passionate voice for nursing, she has presented locally, nationally, and internationally on end of life and professional quality of life. She has been an End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) trainer since the first cohort in 2001.