Chapter 1: Why We Need to Talk about Practitioners, Teams, and Communication in Palliative Care I. Need for palliative care communication book II. Introduction (and rationale for need) to the rest of the book III. Pearls from the Field: Provider and team takeaways Chapter 2: Who are the Players? Exploring the Various Types of Palliative Care Providers I. Introduction II. Primary vs. Palliative Care III. Who are the palliative care specialists? IV. Role clarity V. Power differentials VI. Pearls from the Field: Provider and Team Takeaways Chapter 3: Teams: Purpose and Processes I. Teamwork on PCTs-importance for patient care II. Moving from I to We: Team models III. Team Formation and Maintenance IV. Pearls from the field Chapter 4: Leading Teams I. Best practices of team leaders II. Importance of team leaders III. Modeling intentional relational communication IV. How to communicate like a leader V. Team growth Chapter 5: Team Meetings I. Team meetings as goal coordination II. Setting up structures and norms for successful team meetings III. Types of meetings IV. Direct vs. indirect communication V. Virtual vs. Face to face teamwork VI. Family meetings VII. Pearls from the field Chapter 6: Occupational Culture: Understanding the Role and Stigma of Palliative Care within Medicine and Organizational Contexts I. Occupational Culture II. Occupational impact on interdisciplinary collaboration III. Tensions between PC providers and other medical providers IV. Organizational and community challenges for PCTs V. The role of storytelling in creating meaning and handling challenges VI. Pearls from the field Chapter 7: Self-care in Emotional Labor Intensive Positions I. Palliative care as intense emotional labor II. Compassion III. Self-care IV. Balancing your needs in an team environment V. Building continual self-care into team processes VI. Pearls from the field