Metaphysics of Watson Unitary Caring Science

A Cosmology of Love


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Edited by Jean Watson
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Preface Prologue SECTION I Chapter 1. Metaphysics as Starting Point Chapter 2. Embodiment of Metaphysics. What and Why? Chapter 3. Non-Local Consciousness Chapter 4. Epistemology of Metaphysics Chapter 5. Ontology of Metaphysics. No Boundaries Chapter 6. Noetic Metaphysics Transpersonal Consciousness Chapter 7. Quantum Unitary Transpersonal Caring and Metaphysics SECTION II Chapter 8. Metaphysics and the Ethics of Face Chapter 9. Metaphysics and Ethics of Belonging Chapter 10. Metaphysics, Poetics, and Nature SECTION III Chapter 11. Metaphysics--Indigenous Nature Chapter 12. An Old/New Story of Human Nature--Universe Chapter 13. Metaphysics Beauty-The Elixir of Life SECTION IV Chapter 14. Nursing Cosmology of Love Chapter 15. Alchemy of Metaphysics SECTION V Chapter 16. Metaphysics of Health/Illness Chapter 17. Nurse as Metaphysician Chapter 18. Metaphysical to Metaverse? SECTION VI Chapter 19. Metaphysics of Voice Chapter 20. Language. Universals of Human Caring Chapter 21. Metaphysics of Language. Nursing Songline Chapter 22. Metaphysical Critiquing of Language from Competencies to Ontological (Caritas) Literacy SECTION VII Chapter 23. Metaphysical Leadership Literacy Unitary Caring Chapter 24. Metaphysics of Ontological Design Chapter 25. International Ontological Nursing Design SECTION VIII Chapter 26. Integrative Summary Unitary Caring Science Cosmology. Watson Unitary Caring Science Chapter 27. Sacred Activism Index
Jean Watson, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, FAAN, is distinguished professor emerita and dean emerita of the School of Nursing at the University of Colorado. She is the founder of the Center for Human Caring in Colorado, a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing, and a past president of the National League for Nursing. Dr. Watson is a widely published author and recipient of several awards and honors, including an international Kellogg Fellowship in Australia, a Fulbright Research Award in Sweden, and five honorary doctoral degrees, including Honorary International Doctor of Science awards from Goteborg University, Sweden, and Luton University, London. Dr. Watson's caring philosophy is used to guide new models of caring and healing practices in diverse settings worldwide. At the University of Colorado, Dr. Watson holds the title of distinguished professor of nursing, the highest honor accorded its faculty for scholarly work.

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