Appraisal, Assessment, and Evaluation for Counselors


Sale price$172.00

By Carman S. Gill, Kelly Emelianchik-Key, Ayse Torres
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The cutting-edge resource that equips instructors and students with essential assessment tools and provides practical guidance for effective treatment planning. Understanding and addressing the diverse needs of clients is critical now more than ever. This foundational textbook prepares future counselors and educators with the essential tools and knowledge to master the assessment and testing standards required for CACREP accreditation. Authored by leading experts in the field, Appraisal, Assessment, and Evaluation for Counselors: A Practical Guide examines the intricacies of client assessment, emphasizing ethical and accurate evaluation as the cornerstone of successful counseling. Through a blend of historical context, legal and ethical considerations, and practical applications, this book provides a robust framework for understanding and implementing assessment methods. Covering the new 2024 CACREP standards and grounded in the DSM-5-TR, the book is designed to be well-organized and engaging, making it a practical resource for future counselors. The inclusion of social justice and advocacy considerations, along with real-world case examples, ensures students can connect assessment issues to real client situations, making it an essential resource for both classroom and clinical practice. Purchase includes online access via most mobile devices or computers. Key Features: Offers in-depth case studies, examples, and podcasts throughout the book to grasp the nuanced process of testing and assessment across various treatment stages and settings. Presents assessment practices relevant to mental health, addiction counseling, school counseling, and rehabilitation counseling. Incorporates CACREP mapping, thoughtful discussion questions, and interactive class activities in every chapter. Delivers real-life perspectives from content experts through podcasts and a video role-play modeling diagnostic interviewing. Italicizes key terms for easy scanning and review. Includes the history and nature of assessment, legal and ethical implications, statistical concepts, and practical applications for many counseling scenarios. Instructors will welcome comprehensive Test Banks and chapter PowerPoints to enhance learning.

Carman S. Gill, PhD, LCMHC, NCC, ACS, is a Professor and the Department Chair at Florida Atlantic University. She obtained her PhD from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and is licensed to practice in North Carolina. Dr. Gill is the recipient of the 2021 Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC) Lifetime Achievement Award. She is a past president of ASERVIC and has served that organization as conference cochair twice, as well as newsletter editor, member of the Board of Directors, and Secretary. Dr. Gill has coauthored multiple peer-reviewed journal articles on wellness and spiritual topics. She has coedited a book on spirituality and religion in counseling, as well as the DSM-5-TR Learning Companion for Counselors. Kelly Emelianchik-Key, PhD, LMHC, LMFT, NCC, ACS, is an Associate Professor of Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Florida Atlantic University. She has multiple book chapters, peer-reviewed journal publications, and a coauthored textbook on NSSI. Some of Dr. Emelianchik-Key's current and former leadership and service roles include serving on multiple journal editorial boards, Treasurer for the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES), Treasurer for the Association of Assessment in Research and Counseling (AARC) as well as Emerging Leaders Co-Chair for AARC. Dr. Emelianchik-Key has previously won several prestigious national and regional awards, including the Patricia Elmore Award for outstanding article in the journal Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, the Outstanding Teaching and Supervisor Awards from the Southern Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, and the American Counseling Association, Best Practices in Research Award. Ayse Torres, PhD, CRC, LMHC, is an Associate Professor of Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling at Florida Atlantic University. As a Florida Licensed Mental Health Counselor and a Nationally Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, she has held various leadership roles in public rehabilitation counseling settings. Notably, she has provided services to adults and their families, who have been impacted by a wide range of psychiatric, cognitive, and physical disabilities, during her tenure at the agencies of Vocational Rehabilitation and Blind Services for over eight years. Dr. Torres has successfully secured research funding from prestigious organizations, including the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), and the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).
List of Contributors Preface Acknowledgments Springer Publishing Resources List of Podcasts and Video SECTION I. FOUNDATIONS OF TESTING AND ASSESSMENT Chapter 1. Introduction to Assessment Carman S. Gill, Kelly Emelianchik-Key, and Ayse Torres Chapter 2. History and Ethics in Assessment and Appraisal Kelly Emelianchik-Key, Carman S. Gill, and Ayse Torres Chapter 3. Culture and Diversity Considerations in Testing and Assessment Kelly Emelianchik-Key and Adriana C. Labarta SECTION II. MEANINGFUL METHODS FOR COLLECTING AND APPLYING ASSESSMENT DATA Chapter 4. Methods of Assessment Kelly Emelianchik-Key, Ayse Torres, and Clara Bossie Chapter 5. Assessment and Diagnosis in Counseling Clara Bossie and Carman S. Gill Chapter 6. Test Selection, Scoring, and Statistics Haley R. Ault and Kelly Emelianchik-Key Chapter 7. Reliability, Validity, and Test Worthiness Kelly Emelianchik-Key, Ayse Torres, Haley R. Ault, and Carman S. Gill SECTION III. ASSESSMENT TYPES Chapter 8. Assessment of Intelligence, Aptitude, Ability, and Achievement Nadiya Boyce-Rosen, Ayse Torres, and Carman S. Gill Chapter 9. Career and Occupational Assessments and Interest Inventories Ayse Torres Chapter 10. Clinical Assessments and Personality Testing Rebecca Nelson and Kelly Emelianchik-Key SECTION IV. APPLYING AND INTEGRATING ASSESSMENTS IN VARIOUS SETTINGS Chapter 11. Trauma, Harm, and Substance Abuse Assessments Carman S. Gill, Ayse Torres, and Kelly Emelianchik-Key Chapter 12. The Assessment Process in Counseling Ayse Torres, Carman S. Gill, and Kelly Emelianchik-Key Chapter 13. Looking Ahead: Future Direction of Assessment and Testing in Counseling Clara Bossie and Carman S. Gill Chapter 14. Resources for Assessment in Counseling Carman S. Gill, Kelly Emelianchik-Key, and Ayse Torres Index

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