Programs in the Mainstream. Cedar House: a noncoercive hospital alternative in Boulder, Colorado. The Vancouver experience. Crossing place, Washington, DC. The progress foundation, San Francisco. Northwest evaluation and treatment center, Seattle: alternative to hospital for involuntarily detained patients. Acute hospital alternatives in the Netherlands: crisis intervention centers by. Innovative and Nontraditional Programs. The Soteria Project: the first generation American alternatives to psychiatric hospitalization. The pilot project "soteria berne": clinical experiences and results. Burch house, Inc., Bethlehem, New Hampshire: history and description. The Windhorse program for recovery. Can Interdependent Mutual Support Function as an alternative to hospitalization? the Santa Clara County clustered apartment project. Treating acutely ill psychotic patients in private home. The crisis home program of Dane County. Postscript: from patient management to risk management. Index.