Introduction: Raising ChildrenResilient and Ready for Adulthood
Part I: In the Beginning
The Webers: A young family juggles the needs of twin boys, one with and one without a physical disability
1. Getting the News
The Hamiltons: Raising teenagers in a blended family with humor, responsibility, and respect for differences
2. Coming Home
Part II: All in the Family
The Bowers: An athletic couple sort out what works for them in raising their only child, a serious student and accomplished wheelchair athlete
3. Inclusive Parenting: Make It Work for You
The Fishers: Parents working together to build family unity and protect their children while allowing them to take healthy risks
4. Brothers and Sisters: Siblings Sharing Family Life with Physical Disability in the Mix
The Brandons: A family devoted to faith, education, and unconditional love, inspired by Grandfather's example and bolstered by his support
5. Grandparents: Seeing through a New Lens
Part III: Into the Wide World
The Sheridan-Wolfe Family: Two women build their family by adoptingchildren who have complex disabilities and helping them reach their potential
6. Opening Doors to Inclusion
The O'Briens: Parents working together to help their daughters develop individual talents, support one another, and practice their faith
7. Letting One Dream Go to Let Another Grow