Preface Acknowledgments Introduction 1. Show Me the Science: A Crash Course in Evidence-Based Parenting 2. Birth Day, First Day: Easing Your Newborn's Transition into the World 3. Of Injections and Eye Goop: Newborn Medical Procedures 4. Getting to Know You: How Newbos Explore, Communicate, and Connect 5. Vaccines and Your Child: Making Science-Based Decisions 6. Sleep Safely, Sleep Sweetly: Safety at Night and the Bed Sharing Debate 7. In Search of a Good Night's Sleep (Or Something Like It) 8. Milk and Motherhood: Breast Milk, Formula, and Feeding in the Real World 9. Getting Started with Solid Foods: When and How to Begin 10. Eat, Grow, and Learn: The Best Foods for Babies Epilogue Appendixes Notes Index
Alice Callahan holds a PhD in nutritional biology from the University of California, Davis, and spent two years investigating fetal physiology as a postdoctoral scholar. After giving birth to her first child in 2010, she put her scientific training to work answering the big questions of caring for a baby. The creator of the blog Science of Mom: The Heart and Science of Parenting, she writes and teaches in Eugene, Oregon.