List of Tables and Figures Preface Part I. The Student in Context: The Interdependent Campus 1. Crisis on the College Campus? 2. The Changing Face of the American University Student 3. The Virtual Campus 4. General Issues on Campus 5. Cancel Culture, Trigger Warnings, and Free Speech on Campus 6. The Psychiatrist's Role in College Mental Health Part II. Clinical Challenges 7. Sleep Problems on Campus 8. Alcohol on Campus 9. Non-alcohol Substance Abuse on Campu 10. Loneliness and Relationships on Campus 11. Perfectionism 12. Vulnerable Populations: International Students 13. Vulnerable Populations: Student-Athletes 14. Vulnerable Populations: LGBTQIA+ Students 15. Disordered Eating 16. Difficulty Concentrating and Increased Distractions 17. Anxiety 18. Depression and Other Mood Problems 19. Psychotic Symptoms 20. Emergency Situations on Campus 21. Impulse Control Problems, Behavioral Addictions, and Other Problematic Behaviors 22. The Nontraditional Student 23. Models of Treatment 24. Treatment Challenges in the University Population Epilogue. Student Emotional Well-Being: Looking Toward the Future Notes Index
Doris Iarovici, MD, provides psychiatric care to college students at Harvard University's Counseling and Mental Health Service. She was previously a psychiatrist at Duke University, in private practice, and at a residential eating disorders treatment program. Her essays about college mental health have appeared in the New York Times, the Guardian, Psychiatric Times, and elsewhere.