In this DVD, Cory F. Newman demonstrates an approach to supervision that creates a safe, professionally supportive environment for a supervisee to acquire, practice, and master cognitive behavioural therapy methods, and become more confident as a practitioner. The cognitive-behavioural approach encourages the supervisee to ask questions in supervision, to conceptualize difficulties with clients, to create a nurturing and constructive therapeutic relationship with clients, and to use in-session structure and post-session homework to help clients achieve and maintain therapeutic gains. In this program, Cory Newman also highlights and applies the principles of cultural competency and professional ethics in the meeting with his supervisee, and host Arpana G. Inman interviews him and his supervisee about their work together, exploring the constructs of this model as they examine the supervision session in detail. APA Psychotherapy Training Videos are intended solely for educational purposes for mental health professionals. Viewers are expected to treat confidential material found herein according to strict professional guidelines. Unauthorized viewing is prohibited.