Many researchers today view emotions as biologically-based, evolutionary adaptations to environmental stimuli. In this book, Stefan Hofmann and Stacey Doan argue that emotions cannot be understood without taking into account the dynamic social and cultural worlds we inhabit. They propose instead a ""core self,"" containing the biological basis for our emotions, and a ""social self,"" which develops over time and embraces the shifting social and cultural influences around us as we grow and learn. Through a wealth of clinical case examples and an expert synthesis of contemporary research, the authors examine how emotions are determined and regulated both internally and externally, via social bonds and feedback. By emphasizing the client's social world, they show clinicians how to understand and offer treatment solutions to common mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety. As the authors demonstrate, socio-cultural context is not just a contributing factor to emotional development; it is, instead, a constant, ubiquitous, and essential element for understanding the complex foundations of human emotion.