Developmental trauma is a type of trauma that occurs during periods in life when primary relational bonds and the person's sense of self are vulnerable - that is, during childhood or transitions in life. Although the original trauma occurs early in life, the effects linger and manifest well into adulthood, often unexpectedly in what seems to be unrelated aspects of a person's life: romantic relationships, workplace and career, and functional family structures, for example. Dr. Julian Ford's approach to therapy focuses on the strengths that enable the client to be resilient when faced with developmental trauma. In this video program, Dr. Ford works with an African American man who is still profoundly affected by developmental trauma that occurred when he was a young man serving overseas in combat. In the demonstration, Dr. Ford integrates a transtheoretical framework to help the client understand the psychobiology of stress reactions and to affirm the strength he derives from the positive legacy of fatherhood in his life, in order to provide him with a new perspective on, and a path to recovery from, developmental trauma and PTSD.