Intraregional Migration in Latin America

Psychological Perspectives on Acculturation and Intergroup Relations

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Edited by Vanessa Smith-Castro, David Sirlopu, Anja Daniela Eller, Huseyin Cakal
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  • Foreword, Thomas F. Pettigrew

  • Introduction: Intraregional Migration in Latin America From a Psychological Perspective, Vanessa Smith-Castro, David SirlopU, Anja Eller, and HUEseyin Cakal

  • Part I. Intercultural Contact and Acculturation

  • Chapter 1. South-South Migration in Chile: Well-Being and Intergroup Relations Between Latin-American Immigrants and Host Society Members, MarIa JosE Mera-Lemp, Gonzalo MartInez-Zelaya, Marian Bilbao, and Aracely Orellana

  • Chapter 2. Acculturation Strategies and Multicultural Identity in Bolivia: Influences of a Plural Society, Eric Roth and Adriana MEndez

  • Chapter 3. Acculturation in International Students in Argentina: Factors That Predict Adaptation, Alejandro Castro Solano and MarIa Laura Lupano Perugini

  • Chapter 4. My Home, My Rules: Costa Rican Attitudes Toward Immigrants and Immigration, Vanessa Smith-Castro, Eugenia Gallardo-Allen, and Mauricio Molina-Delgado

  • Part II. Intergroup Relations and Social Change

  • Chapter 5. Exploring Discrimination and Prejudice in Education: Contributions From Social Psychology to the Immigrant Phenomenon in Chile, Natalia Salas, Dante Castillo, David Huepe, Luis Eduardo Thayer Correa, and Felipe Kong

  • Chapter 6. Disadvantage, Contact, and Health Among Indigenous People in Mexico and Chile, Anja Eller, HUEseyin Cakal, and David SirlopU

  • Chapter 7. Socio-Ideological Beliefs and Perspective Taking Versus the Two-Headed Dragon: A Latin American Prejudice Story, as Told in Argentina, Carlos M. DIaz-LAzaro, JeremIas D. Tosi, Luz M. Castro, and Carolina E. Borgeat-Linares

  • Chapter 8. "What Brings Us Together and Sets Us Apart": Regional Identities and Intergroup Relations as the Basis of Peruvian National Identity in Samples from Ayacucho and Lima, Rosa MarIa Cueto, AgustIn Espinosa, and Harry Lewis

  • Chapter 9. "They Are Close to Us, but We Are So Different From Them": Prejudice Toward Immigrants and Indigenous Peoples in Brazil, Valdiney V. Gouveia, Rafaella C. R. AraUjo, and Taciano L. Milfont

  • Conclusion: Implications for Future Research, Vanessa Smith-Castro, David SirlopU, Anja Eller, and HUEseyin Cakal

Vanessa Smith-Castro earned her PhD in Social Psychology from Philipps-UniversitAEt Marburg (Germany). She is full professor at the Institute for Psychological Research of the University of Costa Rica. Her research interests are social cognition , intergroup relations, acculturation, and the social psychology of health.

David SirlopU is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Psychology at Universidad del Desarollo (ConcepciOn, Chile). His research interests are intergroup relations and acculturation processes of Latina America immigrants and majority society. He also conducts research involving respect as recognition in minority groups, and subjective well-being in children and adolescents.

Anja Eller (1974-2019) was professor of Social Psychology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. She was broadly interested intergroup relations, intergroup contact, identity and categorization, and embarrassment.

HUEseyin Cakal holds an MSc in Sociology from the University of Manchester and a DPhil in Social Psychology from the University of Oxford. He is a lecturer in Psychology at the University of Keele. His research investigates intergroup contact, social identity processes, collective action, and mental health among severely disadvantaged communities.

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