Dedication Preface Introduction: The Therapeutic Relationship and Its Relevance to CBT Part I. Contextual Foundations Chapter 1. The Therapeutic Relationship. Definitions and Components Chapter 2. Common Therapeutic Relationship-Enhancing Elements of Psychotherapy Chapter 3. Specific Therapeutic Relationship-Enhancing Elements of CBT Part II. Clinical Guidance for TRF-CBT Chapter 4. Establishing the Therapeutic Relationship in the First Contacts With a Client Chapter 5. Cognitive Restructuring and the Therapeutic Relationship Chapter 6. Social Problem Solving and the Therapeutic Relationship Chapter 7. Exposure and the Therapeutic Relationship Chapter 8. Schema Modification and the Therapeutic Relationship Chapter 9. The Ending of Treatment and the Therapeutic Relationship Chapter 10. A Fresh Perspective on the Therapeutic Relationship and CBT References About the Author
Amy Wenzel, PhD, ABPP, is a clinical psychologist who specializes in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). She founded the Main Line Center for Evidence-Based Psychotherapy, is a trainer-consultant with the Academy of Cognitive Therapy, and is an affiliated faculty member of the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Dr. Wenzel is author or editor of over 25 books and has authored more than 100 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. She has trained and supervised over 1,000 clinicians, lectures internationally, has been featured in CBT video demonstrations, and is on the editorial boards of three journals.