IntroductionI. Getting Started1. Setting Up Your Child's Early Intervention Program2. Taking Care of Yourself and Your Family3. How Your Early Efforts Can Help Your Child Engage with Others and Boost Your Child's LearningII. Everyday Strategies to Help Your Child Engage, Communicate, and Learn4. Step into the Spotlight: Capturing Your Child's Attention5. Find the Smile!: Having Fun with Sensory Social Routines6. It Takes Two to Tango: Building Back-and-Forth Interactions7. Talking Bodies: The Importance of Nonverbal Communication8. "Do What I Do!": Helping Your Child Learn by Imitating9. Let's Get Technical: How Children Learn10. The Joint Attention Triangle: Sharing Interests with Others11. It's Playtime!12. Let's Pretend!13. Moving into Speech14. Putting It All TogetherAppendix. Toys and Books for Your Young Child with AutismResources