Introduction, Vittorio Lingiardi & Nancy McWilliams I. Adulthood 1. Personality Syndromes-P Axis, Nancy McWilliams & Jonathan Shedler 2. Profile of Mental Functioning--M Axis, Vittorio Lingiardi & Robert F. Bornstein 3. Symptom Patterns: The Subjective Experience-S Axis, Emanuela Mundo & John Allison O'Neil II. Adolescence 4. Profile of Mental Functioning for Adolescents-MA Axis, Mario Speranza & Nick Midgley 5. Emerging Personality Patterns and Syndromes in Adolescence-PA Axis, Johanna Malone & Norka Malberg 6. Adolescent Symptom Patterns: The Subjective Experience-SA Axis, Mario Speranza III. Childhood 7. Profile of Mental Functioning for Children-MC Axis, Norka Malberg & Larry Rosenberg 8. Emerging Personality Patterns and Difficulties in Childhood-PC Axis, Norka Malberg & Larry Rosenberg 9. Child Symptom Patterns: The Subjective Experience-SC Axis, Norka Malberg & Larry Rosenberg IV. Infancy and Early Childhood 10. Mental Health and Developmental Disorders in Infancy and Early Childhood-IEC 0-3, Anna Maria Speranza & Linda Mayes V. Later Life 11. Introduction to Part V, Franco Del Corno & Daniel Plotkin 12. Profile of Mental Functioning for the Elderly-ME Axis, Franco Del Corno & Daniel Plotkin 13. Personality Patterns and Syndromes in the Elderly-PE Axis, Franco Del Corno & Daniel Plotkin 14. Symptom Patterns in the Elderly: The Subjective Experience-SE Axis, Franco Del Corno & Daniel Plotkin VI. Assessment and Clinical Illustrations 15. Assessment within the PDM-2 Framework, Sherwood Waldron, Robert M. Gordon, & Francesco Gazzillo 16. Clinical Illustrations and PDM-2 Profiles, Franco Del Corno, Vittorio Lingiardi, & Nancy McWilliams Appendix. Psychodiagnostic Charts (PDCs)