Foreword, Matthew J. Friedman Introduction: PTSD in the Military, Bret A. Moore & Walter E. Penk I. Treatment Approaches for PTSD in Military Personnel 1. Understanding and Working within the Military Culture, Bret A. Moore 2. Issues in Assessment of PTSD in Military Personnel, Sunny Dutra, Jasmeet P. Hayes, & Terence M. Keane 3. Prolonged Exposure Therapy, Alan L. Peterson, Edna B. Foa, & David S. Riggs 4. Cognitive Processing Therapy, Amy M. Williams, Tara E. Galovski, & Patricia A. Resick 5. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Mark C. Russell, Howard Lipke, & Charles R. Figley 6. Mindfulness-Based Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Emily M. O'Bryan, Kristen M. Kraemer, Christina M. Luberto, & Richard Sears 7. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Harold Kudler & Russell B. Carr 8. Stress Inoculation Training: A Resilience-Engendering Intervention, Donald Meichenbaum 9. Cognitive-Behavioral Conjoint Therapy for PTSD: Theory and Practice of Couple and Family Interventions, Anne C. Wagner, Meredith S. H. Landy, & Candice M. Monson 10. Group Therapy for PTSD, Walter E. Penk, Dolores Little, & Nathan D. Ainspan 11. Psychopharmacological and Neuromodulation Treatment, William M. Sauve & Stephen M. Stahl 12. Complementary and Alternative Therapies, Gary Elkins, Lynae Roberts, & Samuel Stork 13. Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Walter Penk, Dolores Little, & Nathan Ainspan II. Specific Clinical Issues Associated with PTSD 14. Co-Occurring Affective and Anxiety Disorders, Eric C. Meyer, Nathan A. Kimbrel, Matthew T. Tull, & Sandra B. Morissette 15. Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders, Marc I. Kruse, Tessa C. Denman, Alexia G. Maness, & Suzy Bird Gulliver 16. Chronic Pain and PTSD, John D. Otis 17. Traumatic Brain Injury, Jennifer J. Vasterling, Mieke Verfaellie, Susan M. McGlynn, & Vanessa D'Orio 18. Military Sexual Trauma, Nicholas D. Holder & Alina M. Suris 19. Sleep Disorders, William L. Brim & David S. Riggs 20. Managing the Service Member with Suicidal Ideation, Nancy A. Skopp, David D. Luxton, Nigel Bush, & M. David Rudd 21. Treating Moral Injury in Military Members and Veterans, Danielle S. Berke, Nora Kline, Jessica Carney, Julie D. Yeterian, & Brett T. Litz 22. Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders in Military Veterans, Christine A. Courtois & Julian D. Ford 23. Identifying and Facilitating Posttraumatic Growth in Military Personnel, Cara L. Blevins, Taryn C. Greene, & Richard G. Tedeschi Author Index Subject Index