Preface 1. Expressive Arts Therapy: Going Beyond the Limits of Language 2. Frameworks for Expressive Arts Therapy and Trauma-Informed Practice 3. A Brain-Body Framework for Expressive Arts Therapy 4. The Reparation Is in the Relationship 5. Safety: The Essential Foundation 6. Self-Regulation: Fundamentals of Stabilization 7. Working with the Body's Sense of Trauma 8. Trauma Narratives: Multiple Layers of Storied Expression 9. Resilience: Enhancing and Embodying Mastery and Competence 10. Meaning Making: Imagining New Narratives for Brain and Body Resources Appendix 1A. Body Outline Template: Adults Appendix 1B. Body Outline Template: Children Appendix 2. Brain Template: Profile View Appendix 3. Brain Template: Two Hemispheres Appendix 4. Breathing Prompts Appendix 5. Mock Body-Mapping Activity Appendix 6. Body-Mapping Template