Living Well with Psychosis


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By Aaron P. Brinen
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While mental health is thankfully no longer a taboo topic, the experience of psychosis is still highly stigmatized. Leading psychologist Aaron P. Brinen busts myths and helps readers build the lives they want in this empowering book. An expert in recovery from serious mental illness, Dr. Brinen provides step-by-step guidance for becoming a strong self-advocate, navigating treatment options, managing symptoms that cause distress, connecting with others, and pursuing school and work goals. The brief, engaging chapters are warm and compassionate, with downloadable practical tools expressly designed to boost energy and motivation for getting out into the world. Readers can read this book cover to cover or dip into it any time they need extra support to live well and feel good.

Aaron P. Brinen, PsyD, is a clinical psychologist in private practice, where he employs evidence-based treatments to help people recover from serious mental health conditions. He is also Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee. Dr. Brinen is a codeveloper of recovery-oriented cognitive therapy (CT-R), and has been active in adapting CT-R for different settings and training therapists from around the world.
IntroductionI. Preparing to Live Well Again: Orienting the Captain1. The Lay of the Land: Treatment2. The Shadow Obstacles3. Medications4. FamiliesII. Specific Obstacles to Living Well: The Usual Suspects5. Motivation6. Connection7. Distressing Voices and Visions8. Threat Beliefs about Others9. Beliefs of Exceptionality10. Anger11. Communication Disturbance12. When the Past Haunts You13. When Hopelessness PreysIII. Living Life14. Friends and Lovers15. Work and School16. Your Temple, the Body17. Living Your Best LifeResourcesIndex

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