I. Preparing for the JourneyIntroduction1. Paying Mindful Attention: The Most Basic Form of Love2. Turning Toward Vulnerability: Strength in OpenheartednessII. Walking the Intimate Path3. Being and Seeking a Safe Harbor: The Attachment Teeter-Totter4. Acting Intentionally: Everything You Do Matters5. Listening Deeply: May I Only Seek to Understand6. Waking Up to Interconnectedness: The Illusion of Separateness7. Loving Your Partner Skillfully: May You Know That I Adore You8. The Red Thread: Sex and the Path of Physical IntimacyIII. Overcoming Obstacles on the Path9. Burning Intimacy Bridges: Practicing with Intense Emotions10. Awakening to Relationship Patterns: The Practice of Co-Creation11. Encountering the Arising of Conflict: Only by Love Alone12. Repairing Ruptures: To Mend What Has Been Broken13. Facing Impermanence: Intimacy with Aging, Illness, and Death14. Walking the Intimate Path: The Whole World Is MedicineIndexAbout the Author
James V. Cordova, PhD, is Distinguished Professor of Psychology at Clark University. A leader in relationship research and couple therapy, he is the developer of the Marriage Checkup, an innovative approach to improving relationship health. Dr. Cordova is a longtime teacher of Zen meditation who is passionate about enriching couples' connections through both psychological insights and mindfulness. He divides his time between Worcester, Massachusetts, and Santa Fe, New Mexico.