1. Change of Emotional Experience in Major Depression and Borderline Personality Disorder during Psychotherapy: Associations with Depression Severity and Personality Functioning, Ulrike Dinger, Magdalena Fuchs, Johanna Köhling, Henning Schauenburg, & Johannes C. Ehrenthal
2. Exploring the Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavior Therapy versus Systems Training for Emotional Predictability and Problem Solving in a Sample of Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder, Verónica Guillén Botella, Azucena García-Palacios, Sara Bolo Miñana, Rosa Baños, Cristina Botella, & José Heliodoro Marco
3. Maladaptive Fearlessness: An Examination of the Association between Subjective Fear Experience and Antisocial Behaviors Linked with Callous Unemotional Traits, Elise M. Cardinale, Rebecca M. Ryan, & Abigail A. Marsh
4. Beliefs about Emotion Shift Dynamically alongside Momentary Affect, Jennifer C. Veilleux, Elise A. Warner, Danielle E. Baker, & Kaitlyn D. Chamberlain
5. Emotional Dysregulation and Childhood Adversity in Borderline Personality Disorder, Emily R. Edwards, Nina L. J. Rose, Molly Gromatsky, Abigail Feinberg, David Kimhy, John T. Doucette, Marianne Goodman, Margaret M. McClure, M. Mercedes Perez-Rodriguez, Antonia S. New, & Erin A. Hazlett
6. Shame in Borderline Personality Disorder: Meta-Analysis, Tzipi Buchman-Wildbaum, Zsolt Unoka, Robert Dudas, Gabriella Vizin, Zsolt Demetrovics, & Mara J. Richman