Stretch to Win 2/e


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By Ann Frederick, Christopher Frederick
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Chapter 1 Ten Principles for Optimal Flexibility Chapter 2 Anatomy and Physiology of Flexibility Chapter 3 Flexibility Training Chapter 4 Flexibility for Sport Performance Chapter 5 Flexibility Assessment Chapter 6 Stretches for Fundamental Mobility Chapter 7 Dynamic Stretches for Sports Chapter 8 Assisted Stretching
Ann Frederick has been a teacher of human movement through professional and academic dance education and kinesiology since 1975. She founded the Stretch to Win Center, where she, her husband Chris, and other staff offered Fascial Stretch Therapy, physical therapy, Pilates, sport massage, chiropractic care, and acupuncture. Ann and Chris have since founded the Stretch to Win Institute, where professionals in health, fitness, and sports can get certified in LifeStretch and Fascial Stretch Therapy-two therapy techniques that they created. Ann is certified in kinesis myofascial integration (KMI) by Thomas Myers and is a founding member of the Fascia Research Society. Chris Frederick has been a licensed physical therapist in the areas of orthopedics, sports medicine, and dance medicine since 1989. He has an extensive background in professional dance and in the martial arts. Chris uses his passion for movement correction and reeducation to teach athletes how to assess their mobility and help themselves. He is the cofounder of the Stretch to Win Institute and cocreator of Stretch to Win Fascial Stretch Therapy and LifeStretch. He is certified in kinesis myofascial integration (KMI) by Thomas Myers. Chris is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association and the International Association of Structural Integrators and is also a founding member of the Fascia Research Society.

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