Nancy M. Johnson-Martin, Ph.D., has been a consultant for assessment and early intervention following her retirement fromm the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she held positions in the Division for Disorders of Development and Learning and in the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center (now called the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute). Susan M. Attermeier, Ph.D., PT, is a pediatric physical therapist in private practice in Hillsborough, North Carolina. She was previously Assistant Professor in the Division of Physical Therapy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Bonnie J. Hacker, M.H.S., OTR/L, is an occupational therapist with more than 25 years of experience working with children. She holds certifications in Neurodervelopmental Therapy, Southern California Sensory Integration Tests, and Sensory Integration and Parxis Tests. She is currently the director of Emerge—A Childs Place, a pediatric clinic in Durham and Chapel Hill, North Carolina, that provides children with occupational and speech therapy services.