Qualitative Research in Psychology

Expanding Perspectives in Methodology and Design

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Edited by Paul M. Camic, Jean E. Rhodes, Lucy Yardley
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Ways of Looking at the World - Epistemological Issues in Qualitative Research: Naming the Stars - Integrating Qualitative Methods into Psychological Research, Paul Camic, Jean Rhodes and Lucy Yardley; On the Art and Science of Qualitative Research - Concerns and Aspirations, Elliot Eisner; Methodology Makes Meaning - How Both Qualitative and Quantitative Paradigms Shape Research Evidence and its Interpretation, Joseph McGrath and Bettina Johnson; Dancing Through Minefields - Toward a Qualitative Stance in Psychology, Jeanne Maracek. Methodologies for Qualitative Researchers in Psychology - The Nuts, The Bolts, and the Finished Product: Discourse Analysis and Discursive Psychology, Jonathan Potter; Narrative Psychology and Narrative Analysis, Michael Murray; Video Methods in Qualitative Research, Donald Ratcliff; Grounded Theory in Psychological Research, Karen Henwood and Nick Pidgeon; The Listening Guide - A Voice-Centred Relational Model, Carol Gilligan and Renee Spencer; Participatory Action Research, Michelle Fine, Rosemarie Roberts, Maria Torre, Debra Upegui, Iris Bowen, Kathy Boudin, Judy Clark, Donna Hylton, Migdalia Martinez, Pamela Smart, Missy Watkins; Balancing the Whole - Portraiture as Methodology, Jessica Davis; Ethnographic Methods - Applications from Developmental Cultural Psychology, Peggy J. Miller, Julie A. Hengst and Su-hua Wang; The Descriptive Phenomenological Psychological Method, Amedeo Giorgi and Barbro Giorgi; The Psychoanalytic Interview as Qualitative Research, Steinar Kvale.

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