Acknowledgements. Introduction and Instructions for Transition Pack. Part One: Creating an Individualised Transition Pack. Part Two: Resource Chapters and Appendices: 1. General Support with Transition to Secondary School. 2. Social interaction. 3. Language Difficulties. 4. Difficulties with Imagination and Flexible Thinking. 5. Bullying. 6. Planning and Organisation Problems. 7. Sensory Sensitivities. 8. Anxiety. 9. Challenging Behaviour. 10. More than Just One Condition and ASD (Comorbidity). References. Appendix 1. Adult Screening Questionnaire. Appendix 2. Child - Transition Screening Questionnaire. Appendix 3. Transition Management Plan. Appendix 4. Pupil Profile. Appendix 5. How Does the Triad of Impairments Present in the Classroom?. Appendix 6. Turn-Taking. Appendix 7. Rules in Conversation and Rules When Entering a Group. Appendix 8. Social StoriesTM. Appendix 9. Circle of Friends. Appendix 10. Personalized Timetable. Appendix 11. Prompt Cards. Appendix 12. Lunch Time Activity Timetable. Appendix 13. Buddy System. Appendix 14. Emotional Thermometer. Appendix 15. Emotional Toolbox. Appendix 16. Star Record Form. Appendix 17. Sensory Equipment. Appendix 18. Bullying Resources. Appendix 19. Pop Appendix Goal, Plan and Review. Appendix 20. Homework. Appendix 21. Explaining the Diagnosis of ASD to the Child - Handout for Parents and Carers. Appendix 22. Relaxation Strategies. Appendix 23. Skills and Abilities Used in Goal Directed Planning and Organisation. Appendix 24. My Transition Workbook for Children.