1. Introduction: DMD in a New Landscape. Janet Hoskin. 2. Why Do Some Children with DMD Have Learning and Behaviour Difficulties? Kate Maresh and Francesco Muntoni. 3. What are the Learning and Behaviour Risks in DMD? Veronica Hinton. 4. The Physical Management of DMD in School, College and Beyond. Lianne Abbott and Victoria Selby. 5. Early Intervention for Reading and Learning. Janet Hoskin. 6. Behavior Solutions in DMD. James Poysky. 7. How to Talk to Children about DMD. David Schonfeld. 8. Having a Road Map for Life - Creating an Education, Health and Care Plan for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Nick Catlin. 9. Taking Charge of Transition. Janet Hoskin and Celine Barry. 10. Getting the Life You Want as an Adult with DMD. Jon Hastie and Mark Chapman.