1. Introduction. 2. Dementia and Irish People in Britain (Dr Mary Tilki). 3 Dementia and African-Caribbean Community (David Truswell). 4. The experience of dementia in UK South Asian Communities (Dr. Karan Jutlla and Harjinder Kaur). 5. Dementia and the UK Chinese Community (David Truswell, Tom Lam and Gill Tan). 6. Supporting People Living with Dementia in the Jewish Community (Padraic Garrett). 7. Dementia, Rights, and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities (Toby Williamson). 8. Exploring Spirituality and Dementia (David Truswell and Dr Natalie Tobert). 9. Dementia and further common issues affecting BAME Communities. 10. A single carer's perspective of dementia (Dr Shibley Rahman). 11. Summary (Truswell).