A Guide to Programs for Parenting Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disabilities or Developmental Disabilities

Evidence-Based Guidance for Professionals


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By John R. Lutzker, Katelyn M. Guastaferro, Contributions by Lynn Koegel, Brittany Koegel, Robert Koegel, V. Mark Durand, Shelley Clarke, Julia Strauss, Laura Lee McIntyre, Mallory Brown
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Introduction. Chapter 1: Pivotal Response Treatment and Parent Education. Lynn K. Koegel, professor, Stanford School of Medicine, Brittany L. Koegel, & Robert L. Koegel, researcher, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University. Chapter 2: Positive Family Intervention: Using Optimism to Overcome Obstacles to Successful Parenting. V. Mark Durand, professor, University of South Florida St. Petersburg, Shelley Clarke, research associate, University of South Florida-Tampa, & Julia Strauss, graduate assistant, Vanderbilt University. Chapter 3: Incredible Years Training for Families with Children with Developmental Disabilities, Laura Lee McIntyre, professor, University of Oregon & Mallory Brown, psychologist. Chapter 4: The Early Start Denver Model: Parent Adaptation. Melissa A. Mello, therapist and trainer at the MIND Institute, Meagan R. Talbott, postdoctoral fellow, UC Davis MIND Institute, & Sally J. Rogers. Chapter 5: Padres en Acción: A parent education program for Latino parents of children with ASD. Sandy Magana, professor, University of Texas at Austin, Wendy Machalicek, professor, Department of Special Education and Clinical Sciences at the University of Oregon, Kristina Lopez, assistant professor, School of Social Work at Arizona State University, & Emily Iland, adjunct professor, Department of Special Education at California State University, Northridge. Chapter 6: Effective Delivery of PCIT with Children who have an Intellectual and Developmental Disorder. Susan G. Timmer, research scientist, University of California Davis, Brandi Hawk, psychologist, University of California Davis, & Anthony J. Urquiza, professor, University of California Davis. Chapter 7: A Parent Education Program Designed to Enhance the Developmental Growth of Infants at-risk for Autism. Ronit M. Molko-Harpaz, founder, Empowering Synergy Inc, & Kate Guastaferro, assistant research professor, The Pennsylvania State University. Chapter 8: Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Kenneth Fung, clinical director, Asian Initiative in Mental Health Program at the Toronto Western Hospital, Lee Steel, coordinator, Extend-A-Family, Kelly Bryce, nurse, Surrey Place Center, Johanna Lake, psychologist, York University, & Yona Lunsky, professor, Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto.

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