Acknowledgements; Preface; Prologue: Happier Days; 1. Stepping into the Wilderness; 2. The Body Takes a Hit: Shock & Tears; 3. What They Say & Don't Say: Dealing with Others; 4. The Unfinished Puzzle: Why and What-if?; 5. Forever 21: Birthdays, Anniversaries & Memorials; 6. Living the Nightmare: Parenting & Family Life; 7. Grief Holiday: Hallmark Occasions; 8. Who Shall Live and Who Shall Die: Spirituality & the Jewish Year; 9. What is Left: Remembering & Forgetting; 10. Soothing our Grieving Selves: Comfort & Healing; 11. The Hard Stuff: Guilt, Anger, Shame & Forgiveness; 12. Inside Out: Mental States & Mental Illness; 13. Phases and Stages: The Passing of Time; 14. Climbing into the Day: Re-integration & Looking Ahead; Beyond Surviving: Suggestions for Survivors by Iris Bolton; References; Recommended Resources on Suicide & Suicide Loss: A Sampling