1.Introduction Dez Holmes 2.Our Voice, Our Experience Whitney Clark and Marley Hall (with Dez Holmes) 3.Understanding the age of adolescence John Coleman and Ann Hagell 4.Growing pains: Developing safeguarding responses to adolescent harm Helen Beckett and Jenny Lloyd 5.Young people negotiating intra and extra-familial harm and safety: social and holistic approaches Lauren Wroe with Jenny Pearce 6.The Myth of the Universal Child Jahnine Davis and Nick Marsh 7.Has the purpose outgrown the design? Carlene Firmin and Rachel Knowles 8.Learning to love and trust again: a relational approach to developmental trauma Kristi Hickle and Michelle Lefevre 9.Nothing about me without me Nicky Hill and Camille Warrington 10.Transitional Safeguarding: Bridging the gap between children's and adults' safeguarding responses Christine Cocker, Adi Cooper & Dez Holmes 11. Concluding thoughts Dez Holmes
Dez Holmes is the Director of Research in Practice, and champions evidence-informed practice across the children's and adults social care sector in order to improve the lives of children, young people, adults, and their families and carers. Her particular interests include adolescent and transitional safeguarding and participatory practice. She is series editor of the JKP Knowledge in Practice series