1. The Elemental Nature of Chinese Medicine. 2. Ministerial Fire in the Shang Han Lun. 3. Source Qi and Ministerial Fire. Defence Qi, Construction Qi and Ministerial Fire. 5. Thoughts on Supplementing Yang Qi. 6. Autoimmunity and Thermodynamics. 7. Ministerial Fire and Menopause. 8. Bian Zheng/Steaming and Transformations in Neoates. 9. Case Studies. 10. Conclusion. Afterwords. Appendix 1. Appendix 2. Appendix 3.
Z'ev Rosenberg LAc is Chair Emeritus of Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, San Diego. In private practice since 1983, he is recognised as one of the first generation of practitioners of TCM in the US.