Chapter 1: An Introduction to Collective Trauma
Chapter 2: The Power of Relationships.
Chapter 3: The Centrality of Safety.
Chapter 4: The Impact of Collective Trauma on Normal Life
Chapter 5 Parenting and Supporting the Parents and Carers
Chapter 6: Big Strong Emotions
Chapter 7: Creative Ideas and Activities to Help
Chapter 8: Grief, Loss and Bereavement
Chapter 9: Trauma Informed Culture
Chapter 10: Building for the future, Resilience and Post Traumatic Growth
Betsy de Thierry is a mum of four brilliant sons, a practising psychotherapist and a qualified primary school teacher. With over 20 years of experience and knowledge within the field, she is a trainer in trauma recovery and the founder of the Trauma Recovery Centre, a charity specialising in recovery from complex trauma. She is also the CEO of BdT Ltd ( Trauma Training, Consultancy and Leadership, which supports professionals who work with traumatised children and families in the UK.