Part One: Preparing to teach RSE ; 1 Relationships, sex and education; 2 Your role as a sex educator; 3 Techniques for teaching sex ed; 4 Language and terminology; 5 Sex education pathway/timeline; Part Two: Resources for delivering RSHE; 1 Relationships education; Friends; Romance and Love; Digital Dating; Sexting; Sexuality; Gender Stereotypes; Respectful Relationships; Peer Pressure; Unhealthy Relationships; Teen Relationship Abuse; 2 Sex education; The A - Z of Sex Ed; Consent; Communicating Consent; Sexual Harassment; Upskirting; Confidentiality; Getting Support and Helping Others; Safe Sex; Contraception; Condoms; Reproductive Choices; Pregnancy Choices; 3 Health education; Puberty; Ask a Tricky Question; Rock Your Body; Know Your Body; Periods; Body Health Check; Testicular Cancer and TSE (Testicular Self Examination; Girl Talk; Women's Cancer Awareness; All bodies are good bodies; Feelings and Emotions; Alcohol and Drugs; References; Useful Resources
Kerry Cabbin is a sex educator and trained multimedia journalist. Kerry works as a youth and community worker and has over 25 years' experience, working with children and young people in communities and classrooms across the country. She is the founder of Tough Cookies Education a company which provides workshops and training, that educates teenagers, teachers and parents about RSHE topics such as puberty, periods, cancer awareness and sexual health.