1. Louise Woodford: How an encounter with a Buddhist monk started my journey to wellbeing 2. Jessica Woodford: 'Being Peace': Buddhism Through the Eyes of an 11-year-old Autistic Girl 3. Danielle Hall: Calm in the Eye of The Storm: How Buddhism helps with relationships, social interactions, and sensory overload 4. Pete Grella: True Freedom: What Buddhism teaches us about difference and acceptance 5. Sian Atkins: Dharma d'au: Buddhism, autism, and the path to balance 6. Chris Jarrell: The Triple Jewel: How Buddhism helps me manage anxiety in everyday life 7. Dr Pernille Damore: The practical application of the dharma in everyday life 8. Ish Tannahill: Loving-Kindness: How meditating helps me feel better about myself 9. Dr Lian Beijers: The Five Mindfulness Trainings and how they help me to be authentically autistic 10. Lucy Liu: Buddhism and Parenting: How mindfulness of the breath helps me listen to my autistic daughter 11. Dena Rashkover: My classroom is my sangha: Compassion and loving kindness in special needs education 12. Jane Garrett (Prajnanandi): Joining a Sangha: Finding a way to friendship 13. Eleanor Lloyd (Dhiraprabha): The Challenges of Engaging with Sangha: How sanghas can develop more inclusive practice 14. Barry Taylor: Unsocially Social: The benefits of practising online for autistic people 15. Joy Tober: Community and Wellbeing: Everyday life in a Zen Buddhist temple 16. Chris Jarrell: Reflections
Dr Chris Jarrell is a retired social work lecturer and counsellor with a very late diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. He has been a practicing Buddhist for thirty years.