A is for ADHD B is for Burnout C is for Confidence D is for Diagnosis E is for Exercise F is for Finance G is for Grounding H is for Hyper-focus I is for Impulsivity J is for Jobs K is for Kindness L is for Love M is for Medication N is for No O is for Organisation P is for Procrastination Q is for Quitting R is for Rejection S is for Sleep T is for Time Management U is for Unite V is for Vices W is for Weaknesses X is for X-rated Y is for Your Body Z is Zen Works Cited
Leanne Maskell is an ADHD coach, author, and consultant. She was diagnosed with ADHD age 25, trained at the ADD Coach Academy and worked in mental health & disability legal policy for over 2 years. Having trained companies such as Microsoft, Leanne founded 'ADHD Works' to help others harness the strengths of ADHD through coaching, education, and empowerment. This is Leanne's third book.