What You Really Want to Know About Working with Dementia


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By Karen Harrison Dening, Hilda Hayo, Amy Pepper, Foreword by Jan Oyebode
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Dementia can add a layer of complexity to health and social care, as problems with communication and understanding can make it more difficult to diagnose and treat other conditions and illnesses. For many people living with dementia, generalist clinicians in primary care will be their first port of call. This FAQ guide examines issues experienced by these clinicians during their daily practice, and offers expert advice on how to support people living with dementia. Each section includes a case study to illustrate a common concern, followed by analysis of the underlying issues and suggested approaches or solutions from an experienced Admiral Nurse. Topics include distressed behaviours at home and in clinical settings, managing fall risk, supporting older carers or those with disabilities, and advance care planning. This evidence-based guide sets out skills and approaches for all health professionals to provide excellent person-centred care for people living with dementia.

Dr Karen Harrison Dening has over 45 years' experience in dementia care. After completing her PhD she became head of research at Dementia UK. She was a committee member on both NICE dementia guidelines. Dr Hilda Hayo has over 43 years' experience in dementia care and has held various senior posts including the last 10 years as Chief Admiral Nurse and CEO of Dementia UK. Amy Pepper is a mental health nurse with 20 years' experience in dementia care. She currently works as an Admiral Nurse with the Research and Publications Team at Dementia UK.

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