1. Introduction. 2. Coaching. 3. It's in the brain; Different varieties of ADD. 4. Getting diagnosed. 5. Medication. 6. Alternative therapies. 7. The family and ADD. 8. Education. 9. Impulse. 10. Sensitivity and boundaries. 11. Creativity. 12. Structure. 13. ADD communication. 14. Routine maintenance. References. Index.
Barbara Edwards has been a teacher and tutor for over twenty years, becoming involved with special needs through her younger son. She home educated him for three years and is now a governor of the local Pupil Referral Unit. She trained with Coach University, Houston, Texas and has coached a large number of clients with and without ADD. Barbara now runs The Maths Practice, tutoring children and producing courses for gifted children, and she is a Director of On Track Coaching.