CONTENTSForeword / Perspectives on Ageing / Successful Ageing: Continuity and Adaptation / Older People with Lifelong Disability: Strategies to Counter Age Discrimination / Physical and Psychological Needs / Healthy Ageing / Psychological Ageing and Emotional Well-being / Social Dimensions of Ageing / A Sense of Belonging: Informal Support from Family, Friends and Acquaintances / Achieving a Sense of Purpose: Retirement or Supporting Lifestyle Choices / Achieving a Sense of Continuity and Security: Housing and Support Options / Older Parental Carers of Adults with a Pre-existing Disability / Issues Confronting Older Parents Living with Adult Children / Working with Older Parents / Service Developments and Policies for Successful Ageing / Policies and Programmes for Successful Ageing / Appendix / References / Index.