CONTENTS: 1. Introduction, Steven Carnaby, Westminster Learning Disability Partnership and Tizard Centre, University of Kent at Canterbury; and Paul Cambridge, Tizard Centre, University of Kent at Canterbury. PART 1 The Context of Intimate and Personal Care Provision. 2. Staff Attitudes and Perspectives, Steven Carnaby and Paul Cambridge. 3. Race, Ethnicity and Culture - Providing Intimate and Personal Care within a 'Person-Centred Approach', Robina Shah, Stockport Acute NHS Trust. 4. Sexuality and Intimate and Personal Care, Michelle McCarthy, Tizard Centre, University of Kent at Canterbury, and Paul Cambridge. 5. Health and Hygiene, Paul Wheeler and Neil James, University of Glamorgan. 6. Developing Policies, Procedures and Guidelines for Intimate and Personal Care in Services for People with Learning Disabilities, Paul Cambridge. PART 2 Developing Best Practice in Intimate and Personal Care with People with Learning Disabilities. 7. Multi-disciplinary Working and Care Coordination, Paul Cambridge and Steven Carnaby. 8. Adults with Mild Learning Disabilities - Promoting Independence, Neil James and Paul Wheeler. 9. Adults with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities - Supporting Planned Dependence, Steven Carnaby. 10. Children and Young People with Learning Disabilities: Developing Good Practice in Intimate and Personal Care Provision, Steven Carnaby and Angela Mallett, Shepherd School, Nottingham. 11. Providing Care for Older People with Learning Disabilities, Eleni Hatzidimitriadou, University of Kent at Canterbury, and Alisoun Milne, Tizard Centre, University of Kent at Canterbury. 12. Developing Best Practice in Intimate and Personal Care for People with Learning Disabilities, Steven Carnaby and Paul Cambridge. Appendix 1: Staff Structured Interview - Supporting Adults. Appendix 2: Staff Questionnaire - Supporting Children. Appendix 3: Individual Client Record. Appendix 4: Sandwich-making Activity. Appendix 5: Tooth Cleaning Teaching Programme. Subject Index. Author Index. The Contributors.