CONTENTSAssessment Booklet. Introduction: What is The Social Play Record? PART I: The SPR Assessment User Guide. 1.1. The SPR Assessment: An Overview. 1.2. The Recording Sheets. 1.3. The Home Comments Sheet. 1.4. The Practitioner Rating of Peer Relationships. 1.5. The Peer Preferences Chart. 1.6. The Friends Questionnaire. 1.7. Scoring the SPR Assessment. 1.8. Planning Intervention. PART II: Links to Intervention. 2.1. How it All Fits Together. 2.2. Early Social Play. 2.3. Unoccupied or Preoccupied. 2.4. Independent Play. 2.5. Peer Play. 2.6. Advanced Group Play. 2.7. Friendship Skills. Conclusion. References. Appendix1: Worked Examples. Appendix 2: Ideas and Templates. Appendix 3: Small Steps Chart. Appendix 4: Theory and Research. 4.1. What is Social Play? 4.2. Social Play and Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders. 4.3. How the Social Play Record was developed.