Contents. Foreword by Glenda Jackson MP. Preface. Introduction by Faith Gibson. About this book. Background. Part 1. Reminiscence Theatre. Process and Product. 1. Setting Up a Reminiscence Theatre Company. 2. From Interviews to Verbatim Script. 3. Development of Verbatim Plays. 4. Reflecting a Multi-cultural Society. 5. Dramatising Jewish and Irish Elders' Memories. 6. A Sense of Time and Place. 7. Staging and Touring Reminiscence Theatre. Part 2. Participatory and Inter-generational Projects. 8. Theatrical Scenes Stimulating Audience Participation. 9. Reminiscence Theatre-in-Education Projects. 10. Reminiscence in a Youth Theatre Context. 11. Inter-generational Playmaking in Schools. Part 3. Older People Dramatising their Own Memories. 12. Older People Enacting their Own Memories. 13. Minority Ethnic Elders Make Theatre from their Lives. 14. Using Drama in Outreach Work and in Dementia Care. Conclusion. References. Index.