Dying, Bereavement and the Healing Arts


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Contributions by Hilary Elfick, Sue Eckstein, Bobbie Farsides, Mark Cobb, Judy Clinton, Ted Bowman, Sinead Donnelly, Mitzi Blennerhassett, Sandra Bertman, Lindsay Buckell
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Foreword, Baroness Professor Ilora Finlay of Llandaff.Preface Poem: Nest, Penelope Shuttle 1: Introduction: Dying,Bereavement and the Healing Arts, Gillie Bolton. 2: A Death Photographed: Michael Willson's Story, Paul Schatzberger and Gillie Bolton 3: Arts, Electronic Media, Movement: Rosetta Life, Filipa Pereira-Stubbs and Chris Rawlence. 4: Theatre for Professional Development, Ashley Barnes 5: Visual Art for Professional Development, Sandra Bertman 6: Healing Arts in Palliative Care, Christina Mason. 7: Imagination and Health in Cancer Care and Palliative Care, John Graham-Pole 8: Visual Art in Cancer Care and Palliative Care, Anna Lidzey, Michele Angelo Petrone, Julie Sanders and Gillie Bolton 9: Making Music in Children's Hospices, Lesley Schatzberger 10: Healing Writing in Palliative Care, Sheelagh Gallagher, Kate D'Lima, Kaichiro Tamba, Hilary Elfick, with David Head and Gillie Bolton 11: Creating The Tuesday Group: A Palliative Care Play, Bobbie Farsides and Sue Eckstein 12: The Power of Music, Diana Greenman, Frans Meulenberg and Mike White 13: Writing through Bereavement: River Wolton, Haifa Al Sanousi, Amy Kuebelbeck, Judy Clinton and Robert Hamberger 14: A Legacy of Understanding, Monica Suswin 15: Reading to Help Practitioners and Patients, Ted Bowman and Rogan Wolf 16: Artists: Survivors, Tim Jeeves, Mitzi Blennerhassett and Michele Angelo Petrone, Artist 17: Professionals: Artists, Steve Seagull, Tim Metcalf, Oliver Samuel, Kieran Walsh and Christopher Johns 18: Spiritual and Artistic Care: Memorial Services, Mark Cobb and Giles Legood 19: The Art of Care, Yvonne Yi-Wood Mak , Ann Williams, Corine Koppenol and Sinead Donnelly 20: Reflections Towards the Future, Nigel Hartey. List of Contributors. References. Subject Index. Author Index.

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