Introduction.1. Childrens Grief and Crisis Reaction. 2. Different Types of Death. 3. Death and Crisis at Different Developmental Levels. 4. What Makes the Grief Worse? 5. Sex Differences in Childrens Grief. 6. Care for Children in Grief and Crisis. 7. Guidelines for Taking Care of Childrens Needs. 8. Handling Death in the Play Group and at School. 9. Crisis- or Grief-Therapy for Children. 10. Bereavement Groups for Children. 11. Caring for Oneself. Appendix A: Grief in Children - Guidelines for Care. References. Internet Resources.
Dr Atle Dyregrov is a clinical psychologist and Director of the Center for Crisis Psychology in Bergen, Norway, which he founded with a colleague in 1988. He is a member of the executive board of The Children and War Foundation and a founding member of the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Dr Dyregrov is the author of numerous publications, journal articles, and books.