For people on the autism spectrum dating is so often an elusive art form, requiring the very skills - in communication, in social perception - that don't come naturally to them. This book presents strategies for overcoming social skills deficits and sensory issues, to make for relationship success. Emilia Murry Ramey and Jody John Ramey, both on the spectrum, reflect on their dating experiences and provide recommendations for relationships in both the short- and long-term. Their advice includes how to choose venues for meeting people that are free from discomfiting features; coping with typical experiences such as close proximity with a partner, eye-contact, and physical intimacy, in the light of sensory issues; and moving on to extended, committed relationships, co-habiting and continuing to date after marriage.Thorough, accessible, and very encouraging, this book is a must-read for autistic people, those who love them, and those who are in love with them.