Introduction: What is So Special about Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders?; What are autism spectrum disorders? Experiences of children with autism spectrum disorders.; What parents and caregivers need to know.; How to use this book.; 1. Home Life. Babysitters. Bees. Breastfeeding. Dates for parents. Discipline. Dogs. Finances. Food. Friendships. Holidays. Marriage issues. Mealtimes. Morning and nighttime routines. Noise. Organization. Preferences. Preparing simple meals. Respite care. Restaurants. Siblings and other relatives. Support groups. Talking about disabilities. Tantrums. Telephone skills. Television and video Games. Textures and temperatures. Weather.; 2. Hygiene. Bath time. Brushing teeth. Clothes. Grooming. Hair cuts. Nail clipping. Toilet training.; 3. Community. Airplanes. Birthday parties. Car travel. Car Travel II. - Child Safety Seats. Hotels and vacations. Play dates. Reading faces and Emotions. Shopping. Shoe stores. Sleepovers. Swimming pools. Visiting other families.; 4. Medical. Dentist and doctor visits. Emergencies. Emergency phone calls. Immunizations. Medications.; 5. Schools and Organizations Breaks. Bullying and teasing. Bus rides. Clubs. Evaluations. Hobbies. Homework. Mental health agencies. Puberty and school. Religious services. Report cards. School lunches. School team meetings. School trips and excursions. Selecting childcare providers. Sports: Hallie's story. Sports: John's story. Teacher assistants. Therapists. Valentine's Day.; 6. Tools for Adapting the Environment for Success. Behavior plans. Choice boards. Direct instruction. First-then statement cards. Macro and micro schedules. Role-playing. Scripting. Symbol communication systems. Task analysis. Wait boxes. Conclusion. References.