Introduction. Part 1. Understanding and Awareness. 1.1 What is Scoliosis? Structural and Non-Structural Scoliosis. Symptoms. Idiopathic Scoliosis. Causes. 1.2. Wide Variation of Types. Location of the Curve. Shape of the Curve. Degree of the Curve. Vertebral Rotation. Rib Hump. Kyphosis, Lordosis, Flat Back. 1.3. Four Common Patterns of Curvature. 1.4. The Psychology of Scoliosis. Coping Mechanisms. 1.5. Mind and Body Link. The Bossy Muscle. The Spine Bends Under Physical and Psychological Pressure. Part 2. Exercises for Flexibility and Posture. 2.1. Introduction. 2.2. Principles of Exercise for Scoliosis. 2.3. Posture and Alignment. 2.4. Exercises. Preparation. The Basic Top Ten Exercises. Stretches. De-Rotation. Lengthening. Letting Go of Bossy Muscle. Teaching the Weak Side to Talk. Pelvic Stability. 2.5. Index of Exercises. 2.6. What Exercises to Avoid. 2.7. Possible Goals and Outcomes. 2.8. More About Pilates.